Reduce mistakes in export documents by +50%

If you or your company have experienced the consequences of mistakes in export documents, you know the scenario. Unfortunately, six-digit fees are not uncommon and sometimes we hit seven digits when repatriation, compensation, quarantine, etc. are taken into account. Mistakes are especially costly in food, ingredients and pharma. If we are talking about spare parts, an entire production line, a machine, an aircraft or a ship may be lying idle waiting for things to arrive. 

Time is money and mistakes are expensive, but we have a digital lifesaver for you…

En kvinde der sidder med hovedet i hænderne og ser fortvivlet ud

Healthy for the economy...

Traditional creation of documents and certificates is not a piece of cake. But if you use the possibilities offered by digital integration with ERP, -ordering systems, -the Customs and Tax Administration and all your carriers, it’s a completely different matter. 

Studies of more than 18.000 certificates speak for themselves: When you go from manual to digital handling of documents and transport, you can reduce the error rate by +50%. The primary reason is that when data is reused instead of re-entered, the likelihood of mistakes drops significantly! 

The consequences can be incalculable when a shipment is stranded in a port in, say, Japan:

  • You may need to pay a penalty/fine for having your goods stored while the case is processed 
  • You will have to pay for freight back to the country of origin 
  • You will have to bear the costs when your goods – presumably – need to be discarded when they are returned (if we are talking about a food export) 
  • You/your colleagues have to book and pay for new transport (and make new documents and wait for them for days if you don’t use a digital solution) 
  • You don’t get a 5-star rating from your customer, who now loses revenue and has incurred marketing costs for goods she doesn’t receive

If you’re lucky, you’ll get away with a replacement certificate, but the rules have been tightened, so don’t count on the Food Administration having your back. So, there’s every reason to reduce mistakes as much as possible.

And healthy for the employees

It’s logical that it is critical for your business when these mistakes occur. It is almost impossible to avoid, as there are many rules and legal requirements to follow. To the letter. 

That’s why it rubs off on the people who handle the export documents and certificates. 

When you choose a digital platform like Traid, your employees are much less likely to be terrified of mistyping. This means a much better working environment and therefore colleagues who perform better and are easier to retain – and – not least – it’s easier to recruit new staff. 

In short – it’s healthy for the economy and for employees. 

See also: 7 powerful benefits that will be a gamechanger for you and your business. 

Book a free demo of the digital platform

Discover all the benefits when booking a free presentation of the Traid-platform. We tailor the demo to meet your specific needs, thereby giving you the best insight into how the platform can help you in your daily life. The demo takes about 30 minutes.