Save tons of time, CO2 and money with Printing Service

Digitize your physical health certificates and avoid transporting them back and forth from the Danish Food Administration. 

Printing service is your shortcut to savings, fewer errors and fast expedition.

Life is too short for manual data entry and long drives to the Food Administration’s office

Streamline your food export with Printing Service

Without Traid’s printing service, Danish food exports would be much slower – something we can say without blinking an eye. The service our printing service provides cuts countless hours (and errors) from the traditional process of handling health certificates. 

The handling of health certificates is still manual in many cases. However, our printing service has streamlined the process, saving export companies time and money on the handling of their certificates. 

Join us on a guided tour of the Traid printing service. Below you can meet a key department within the organization and see the tasks they handle every day.

Fødevarestyrelsen og ClearView Trade i Danmark

Where are health certificates approved?

- And where is our printing service located?

The Danish Food Administration’s offices are located in different places around Denmark:

  • Aalborg
  • Aarhus
  • Vejen
  • Copenhagen

We help support food companies’ digital journeys by giving them access to our platform, where they can create-, print- and validate their health certificates. Get rid of logbooks, printing, scanning and driving.

We wrap all of Denmark (without paper)

Traid’s own printing service is located a few steps from the Food Administration’s office in Vejen (they are neighbors and live in the same building). Our printing service is therefore ready to handle your health certificates if you are linked to the Food Administration’s office in Vejen. 

If your company is located in North Jutland, our partners from Erhverv Norddanmark can handle your certificates and on Zealand, our partners from CIBT will take care of the job. You can create your health certificates on our digital platform and we, or our partners, will make sure they are approved, scanned and returned to you. 

The essence of it all is this: We will take care of printing for you. We have moved the printers close to the Food Administration’s offices, minimizing the distance from the printer to the Administration’s offices, saving you time, money, CO2 and a lot of hassle.

Who is Traid’s printing service?

Where is printing service located?

Traid’s printing service is located in Vejen, and this location is not arbitrary. The Danish Food Administration has a branch in Vejen, and our printing service is practically located in the same building as the Food Administration’s office. This means that health certificates can be ready for approval on the Administration’s desk shortly after printing service has received them. 

Printing service delivers- and picks up your health certificates from the Administration’s office once an hour, making it quick and easy to get an approved certificate.

The people behind the service

Printing service consists of Gitte and Katrin. The two hard-working- and competent women ensure that all customers have their health certificates stamped- and approved by the Danish Food Administration. 

It’s no small task that Gitte and Katrin perform on a daily basis – they run several thousand certificates through the system every month.

ClearView Trades to printservicemedarbejdere der kigger smilende ind i kameraet
ClearView Trades to printservicemedarbejdere der arbejder

What tasks do printing service handle?

They make sure your health certificates are approved

The main task of printing service is the handling of health certificates. When a customer creates a certificate on the Traid-platform, it is sent digitally to printing service, who takes care of the following: 

  • Printing the certificate on official, watermarked paper 
  • Stamp and signature from the Food Administration 
  • Uploading the certificate to the platform in the finished format 

As an exporter, the responsibility is on your shoulders

Gitte and Katrin have a lot of experience in a field of work where quality is demanded every day. As an exporter, you are responsible for what is written in the certificates. It is still nice, though, to get an email or a phone call if Gitte and Katrin catch an error in one of your certificates. This gives you a chance to correct the errors before the certificates are stamped by the Food Administration and before the goods leave the country.

No need to keep a log of your shipments

Once a certificate is approved and sent back to the company, printing service adds the shipment to the specific logbook they keep for your company. This means you don’t have to keep a manual log of your shipments.

Experience a unique customer service

Gitte and Katrin provide a unique customer service. They do so because it is important to them that customers receive the best service, and because they know that it can be costly for companies if errors are not detected in time.

ClearView Trades to printservicemedarbejdere der arbejder

What difference does printing service make?

You save time and money

You save tons of time. Certificates are delivered to the Food Administration within an hour of you sending them to printing service – so it won’t be long before you have a scanned copy available on the platform. This gives you a whole new level of flexibility in your planning and logistics. 

You save money on couriers and you’re free from having an employee spending time driving back and forth from the Food Administration’s office. 

Plus, you won’t have to fill out your health certificates manually when you use the Traid-platform. Our templates and automation ensure that certificates can be created in just a few clicks – read more here. 

Once the certificates are completed and sent to printing service, you don’t have to: 

  • Print the certificates 
  • Store (and procure) watermarked paper 
  • Transport certificates back and forth from the Food Administration’s office 
  • Keep a logbook of your shipments 
  • Worry about replacement certificates if there are errors in the original certificate 

How many companies does printing service help?

Approximately 30 – 40% of all Danish health certificates are created on our platform and many of these end up at our printing service in Vejen.

Et skilt der står "ClearView Trade certifikatservice" på
Et skilt foran Fødevarestyrelsens certifikatservice, hvor der står "Certificate"
Elite smiley ClearView Trade

Elite smiley

We have gotten elite smileys up until the point where the initiative was abolished by the Danish Parliament. Elite smileys are gone, but we still make an effort to keep the pencil case in order. You can read all our inspection reports here.

Hør, hvad en kunde siger om printservice

Effektivisér din fødevareeksport med printservice

Tid er lig med penge i eksportbranchen. Så hvorfor bruge utallige timer på noget, der kan løses lynhurtigt? Automatisér din fødevareeksport med ClearView Trades printservice.

Manuel håndtering er en tidsrøver

Tiden er afgørende, når det kommer til jeres fødevareeksport. Certifikaterne skal være klar hurtigst muligt – uden manuelle tastefejl. Konsekvenserne kan være fatale, hvis en forsendelse fx stoppes af tolden på en havn i Japan. 

Manuel håndtering af fødevarecertifikater er en tidsrøver. Processen tager normalt adskillige timer, og ofte dage, før du har det godkendte fødevarecertifikat i hånden.  

Printservice håndterer dine certifikater

Når du bruger ClearView Trades printservice, slipper du for at bekymre dig om godkendelse og fragt. Certifikaterne bliver sendt elektronisk til printservice, som sørger for at printe dem samt få dem godkendt hos fødevarestyrelsen.

Du vil også opleve, at Printservice orienterer dig, hvis de fanger en fejl i dine certifikater. Så kan du nå at rette dem, inden Fødevarestyrelsen får dem. Du sparer dermed vigtig tid og penge. 

Bonusinfo: Hvis du har prøvet at arbejde med erstatningscertifikater, ved du hvor kompliceret denne proces er. Det undgår du også i langt højere grad, når du automatiserer og digitaliserer processerne via platformen. Data overføres nemlig automatisk til dine certifikater, hvilket minimerer risikoen for fejl.

Fordelene ved printservice

Certifikater udfyldes automatisk

Slip for fragt til Fødevarestyrelsen

Certifikater uploades på platformen

Vi sørger for at føre digital logbog

See how we help companies in your industry

Visit our industry pages and see how you can optimize your logistics processes with the Traid-platform. The industry pages focus on the platform’s features and how they can help different companies streamline their export processes.


Make sure your food goods are shipped on time – every time. Automation handles your health certificates for you.


Automate your health certificates and make sure that you never miss a deadline.


Do you have many small shipments that are difficult to manage? Gather all your shipments in one place.

Other industries

Automate your document handling, optimize your transport and much more.

Visit our other service pages


Tired of managing all your processes on different platforms?

The Traid-platform lets you bring all your logistics processes together in one place. 
Visit the site and discover how you can gain more time and a better overview in your everyday life.

Transport booking

Do you book transport via email, text messages or through the carriers’ booking site?

Visit our transport booking page and discover how you can gather all your transport bookings in the same place as all your other export processes.

Export certificates

Do you fill out your certificates manually and are you afraid of typing errors?

Discover how you can gather all your certificates and documents in one place and have them filled out automatically. This way you can save time and avoid the fear of typing errors.

Want to know more about how printing service saves you tons of time and hassle?

Feel free to book a chat with one of our specialists – free of charge. We’ll take a look at your setup – along with you – and see how you can power up for an easier everyday life.

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