No need to print and submit customs documents – save yourself the time and trouble

How to reduce waiting time from days to hours with EUR-1 and A.TR. documents

New partnership speeds up your customs documents and eases the process

If you’re used to printing and filing your customs documents (EUR-1 and A.TR.) yourself, you’ll save days by sending them for digital approval through our platform. The collaboration between the Confederation of Danish Industry, CIBT and Traid is going to make your everyday life much easier:

  • The process is much faster, because it happens digitally

  • You avoid driving to SKAT with physical documents

  • It becomes more flexible – and you will gain a digital archive

DI x CIBT x ClearView Trade - stærkt samarbejde

The fast digital alternative – from days to hours

For the vast majority, producing customs documents in the traditional way is a time-consuming and manual process.

Certificates are typed into Word drafts. Then they have to be printed on the form print, which is only available from select bookshops. Once the certificates are printed, they must be submitted and approved by the local customs authority and transported back to the company or handed over to the carrier. The goods can then be moved.

The certificates are currently only available on paper, and if they need to be shared in the transport chain, they are scanned and shared by e-mail.

This is a process that typically takes up to several days! The current processes not only tie up the staff’s time, but they are a “bad fit for digital”.

You're wasting precious time today... but there's a solution ahead

By digitizing and simplifying the process, you will reduce the time from days to hours. And at the same time, you and your colleagues gather everything digitally in one place.

Simply create the document on the Traid platform and send it to CIBT. The very same day you submit, you get a scan of the finished document on the platform (which you can share digitally with all parties).

The new possibilities make it easy for you to create and legalise documents in the same way as your certificates of origin.

Traditional vs. digital process:

It’s this easy to get started

If you are a customer of Dansk Industri, you can access this service. You just need to purchase the EUR-1 and A.TR. module, which is done at Traid. They provide the software for Dansk Industri’s certificate platform.

Simply fill in the form below – and we will send you an agreement or addendum by e-mail, which you sign digitally via DocuSign.

If you are already a customer, you simply need an addendum as there are no changes to your other terms and conditions.

If you have any questions, please contact the Confederation of Danish Industry, CIBT or Traid:
or +45 31 14 67 09.
Both CIBT and Traid will help you get started with submitting documents.

How much does the digital solution cost?

It’s quite simple. You pay for the platform subscription (EUR-1 % A.TR. module) at Traid + per document at CIBT:

Price example

Traid subscription: You need 4 EUR-1 documents per month = 125 DKK per month (1-50 documents per month = 125 DKK)

CIBT price per transaction: 4 EUR-1 documents = DKK 399 x 4 = DKK 1,596

Total: DKK 125 + DKK 1,596 = DKK 1,721 (excl. VAT).

5 benefits you can look forward to 👇

About CIBT and Traid


CIBT is an international company deeply rooted in Denmark. CIBT has a number of areas of expertise within visas, customs and trade documents, and with a strong network of embassies and authorities in both Denmark and abroad, CIBT can get the paperwork through quickly and efficiently.

CIBT looks forward to assisting the members of the Confederation of Danish Industry with these tasks.


At Traid we digitize export processes, reduce manual processes, eliminate errors, and create an overview.

We have gathered everything you need in one IT platform. Here you can work with all types of export documents and certificates (especially within foods), booking transport and reporting to authorities. We are approved by the authorities and can therefore make everyday life easier for exporters.

Register and gain full access to the EUR-1 and A.TR. modules

Fill in the fields below and choose the solution that suits you.

Type af abonnement - EUR-1- + A.TR.-moduel*
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FAQ: Find the answers to your questions

The subscription is company dependent – i.e. it covers ALL the users you have now and in the future – regardless of location – as long as it is under the same CVR number.

You must have a subscription to the ClearView Trade platform for the EUR-1 & A.TR. module. ClearView Trade will invoice you directly.
CIBT will invoice you per document processed by SKAT. See prices above.

You will not receive an invoice from the Confederation of Danish Industry except for any certificates of origin you may order.

For example, if you need 4 EUR-1 customs documents per month, the subscription price is DKK 125 per month for Traid. In addition, it costs DKK 399 in certificate processing per document at CIBT, cf. the price list ( – i.e. the price would be DKK 125 (subscription) + DKK 399. x 4 pieces (excl. VAT).

The price of shipping your certificates must be added as needed. The price includes digital versions of the certificates, which you can always access directly in the platform.

The documents are available from the day they are requested and for 5 years forward.

Yes. If you have any special needs, we are open to dialogue and will make sure to plan for this during the introduction to your new solution.

Yes. CIBT’s Customer Service is ready to help you every weekday between 08.30-15.30. You are welcome to get a general introduction to CIBT.

We offer a similar solution for processing your food certificates at the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration. Read more here

Do you have questions about the price or the agreement?

then you are more than welcome to contact us:


DI Certifikatservice:
Phone: 3377 3478


CIBT logo

CIBT/Nicolaj Aaroe:
Phone: +45 31 31 74 59


ClearView Trade-logo

Phone: +45 31 14 67 09


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