Export certificates

Leave your old physical certificates on the drying rack when you begin creating export certificates on our digital platform. 

Digital certificates are completed- and approved much faster – and they future-proof your business.

Digital certificates hang physical alternatives out to dry

Digitize your export certificates and save time and money

Give the 10-finger system a break when you start creating digital export certificates on the Traid-platform. You won’t have to fill out certificates manually thanks to the platform’s automation-modules. 

If you’ve experienced the knot in your stomach when dealing with the fear of making costly mistakes, you can now look forward to a new daily life. Forget re-entering long item numbers on multiple certificates, recipient addresses in Chinese and other challenging data and complicated rulesets.

The following certificates can be created and filled out automatically on the platform:

We have several partners who help us create an even better certificate experience for you. For example, the Danish Chambers of Commerce help us issue- and stamp digital certificates of origin. You can have an approved certificate of origin issued in record time thanks to digital stamping. And you don’t have to fill out the certificate manually or transport it to the Chamber of Commerce’s office.

Example: Digitization of your health certificates

Health certificates are issued very quickly thanks to our printing service and our partners in CIBT, Dansk Erhverv and Erhverv Norddanmark. 

Our printing service has an office right next to the Danish Food Administration in Vejen. Dansk Erhverv covers Aarhus, CIBT handles Copenhagen, and Erhverv Norddanmark are located in Aalborg. You are therefore relieved of having to transport the certificates to the Danish Food Administration’s offices – our printing service and partners take care of that. 

Discover the benefits of using the Triad-platform when you need to create a health certificate:

Health certificates WITH the platform

Health certificates are filled out automatically thanks to ERP-integrations and pre-filled templates

Health certificates are sent digitally to the ClearView Trade printing service, CIBT, or Erhverv Norddanmark who have them approved for you

The approved certificate is scanned- and uploaded to the platform

Printing service keeps a log of all your shipments

Health certificates WITHOUT the platform

Health certificates are filled out manually (which takes a long time and involves a risk of typing errors)

The certificates are transported physically back and forth to the Danish Food Administration’s offices (which costs both time and money)

You have to keep your own log of shipments

You are forced to store a lot of official certificate-paper

See how we help companies in your industry

Visit our industry pages and see how you can optimize your logistics processes with the Traid-platform. The industry pages focus on the platform’s features and how they can help different companies streamline their export processes.


Make sure your food goods are shipped on time – every time. Automation handles your health certificates for you.


Automate your health certificates and make sure that you never miss a deadline.


Do you have many small shipments that are difficult to manage? Gather all your shipments in one place.

Other industries

Automate your document handling, optimize your transport and much more.

Visit our other service-pages


Are you tired of managing all your processes on multiple platforms?

The Traid-platform lets you bring all your logistics processes together in one place.
Visit the site and discover how you can gain more time and overview in your everyday life.


Printing service

Are you tired of hauling health certificates back and forth to the Danish Food Administration’s offices?

Discover how Traid’s printing service can make sure you never have to ship a certificate to the DFA again (or pay a courier to do it).


Transport booking

Do you book transport via e-mail, SMS or the carriers’ booking site?

Visit our transport booking-page and see how you can get a clearer overview by gathering all your transport bookings in the same place as your other export processes.

Energise your export certificates and avoid days of waiting for mail and couriers

Experience all the benefits of the Traid-platform. You will be covered with all relevant certificates and documents + transport booking – and you can look forward to receiving your certificates of origin within just one hour. 

The demo is a guided- and energetic online tour that takes about 30 minutes. Look forward to a tool that digitizes and automates your export workflows.