Case study

Danish Crown removes stress with digital food certificates

The Traid platform makes everyday life easier for Danish Crown

The Traid platform makes everyday life easier for Danish Crown 

Running a company like Danish Crown with 26,000 employees worldwide requires enormous resources. Therefore, it is important to optimise where possible. 

For Christian Jørgensen, Logistic Manager at Danish Crown in Vejle, the Traid platform has been of great importance for the introduction of digital processes in the export workflow with food certificates. 

Among other things, it has succeeded in 

  • eliminating stress and time pressure, especially in the morning
  • halving the number of physical certificate runs
  • reduce errors and minimise vulnerability to holidays, illness, etc.
  • …and make happy employees even more satisfied.
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  • Every morning at 9am, the employees at Danish Crown in Vejle had to be ready with completed physical food certificates. A driver was ready to take them to the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration in Vejen for approval
  • It was difficult to overlap during holidays, illness etc. 
  • Data could not be reused 

  • TheTraid platform allows the food certificates to be made digitally
  • Our print service ensures that the certificates are stamped, so Danish Crown does not have to transport the certificates to the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration
  • All certificates are now stored online instead of in folders in the basement
  • Danish Crown gets an approved certificate in the platform within 1 hour – before it took up to several days
  • There are clearly fewer errors and time consumption has been significantly reduced
  • There is no stress in the morning – the deadline has been pushed back and the container number can now be included the first time
  • All certificates can now be found quickly online rather than in physical folders
  • Employee satisfaction is raised
  • Driving with certificates has been halved
  • CO2 reduction

Handling of food certificates is no longer a stress factor for Danish Crown in Vejle


"The biggest benefit of having switched to Traid is probably the stress level in the morning. It has dropped a lot. And then we have reached a point where there are colleagues in the company who have actually started making the certificates as well, because we have much better time for it."
Johnny Juul
Logistics assistant - Danish Crown

Approved food certificates in 1 hour

The digitalisation of export documents has freed up time, resources and eliminated errors for Logistics Assistant Johnny Juul and his colleagues in the department.

The deadline has been moved. It is no longer necessary to finish the certificates at 9.00 am, where a courier used to stand impatiently and fidget.

Now you can wait until 13.30 to make the certificates digitally. This also means that you get the container number right away, so the certificate is ready the first time, so you don’t have to get it twice as before.

The approved food certificates are now available digitally in just 1 hour. Before, you could risk waiting for days.

And you now save travelling with physical documents from Vejle to the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration in Vejen. The process now takes place quickly digitally in the platform with the help of Traid Printservice.


"Previously, when we arrived, not a single colleague spoke to me. Because we had to be quiet for the first two hours, because we had to be finished. Now we can talk for the first half hour without anything happening, because we still have time."
Johnny Juul
Logistics Assistant - Danish Crown

Creation of food certificate without the platform:

Creation of the food certificate with the platform:

Released time opens new doors, makes duplication easy and minimises errors

One of the benefits of trimming the export workflow is freeing up time for other processes. Specifically, Johnny Juul has been given the opportunity to participate in the planning work in the department – there was no time for that before. This means that you can work in a more long-term perspective and are thus better equipped for the future.

It’s also easier to overlap. All those mistakes you used to experience because you were relieved, they are almost non-existent now.

There’s more peace and quiet now, so you have time to proofread, etc. The platform’s address index and item number index means that you avoid having to enter the information that is already stored with the correct information.

This gives much more flexibility and frees up time.

CO2-neutral inden 2025 med hjælp fra digitalisering

Palsgaard har et mål om at være fuldkommen CO2-neutrale inden 2025. Det er en ambition, som sætter krav til alle dele af virksomheden, fra produktionen til Customer Service-afdelingen. Palsgaard kan fjerne en masse fysiske papirer fra ligningen, hver eneste gang, der bliver oprettet et fødevarecertifikat på ClearView Trade-platformen. Fragt frem og tilbage til Fødevarestyrelsen er ligeledes unødvendig, når certifikaterne sendes elektronisk mellem Palsgaard og ClearView Trades printservice. Hver forsendelse, Palsgaard laver på ClearView Trade-platformen, hjælper virksomheden med at nå deres mål om CO2-neutralitet inden 2025. 


"It's easier to overlap in the sense that all those mistakes you used to make because you were replaced, they don't exist so much anymore."
Johnny Juul
Logistics Assistant - Danish Crown


"The difference today is that we store everything digitally. Previously, we had them in 12 folders every year for 5-6 years - then you can start thinking about how much paper you have. Now it's all digital. That's the big advantage."
Johnny Juul
Logistics assistant - Danish Crown
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Behind Danish Crown

Danish Crown is a Danish food company with more than 130 years of history. It is owned by Danish farmers. The group has a total turnover of more than DKK 60 billion and employs 26,000 people worldwide.

Read more about Danish Crown:

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